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Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I have my water heater serviced?

It’s recommended to have your water heater serviced annually to ensure its optimal performance and identify any potential issues before they become major problems.


What are the signs that indicate my water heater needs repair or replacement?

Common signs include insufficient hot water, rusty or discolored water, strange noises, leaks around the unit, or a sudden increase in energy bills. If you notice any of these, it’s advisable to contact a professional plumber.


How long does a typical water heater installation take?

The duration of a water heater installation depends on various factors, including the type of unit, the complexity of the installation, and the existing plumbing setup. Generally, it can take anywhere from 2 to 6 hours.


What is the average lifespan of a water heater?

The average lifespan of a water heater is around 8 to 12 years. However, with proper maintenance and regular servicing, it can last even longer.


Why is my water heater making strange noises?

Strange noises like popping, cracking, or rumbling sounds can indicate sediment buildup in the tank. Sediment can cause the water heater to work less efficiently and may lead to damage if not addressed promptly. Flushing the tank can often resolve this issue.


Can I repair a leaking water heater myself?

It’s best to leave water heater repairs to professional plumbers. Leaks can be caused by various factors, and attempting a DIY repair without proper knowledge and tools can lead to further damage or safety hazards.


How can I increase the lifespan of my water heater?

Regular maintenance, such as flushing the tank, inspecting the anode rod, checking for leaks, and adjusting the temperature, can help extend the lifespan of your water heater. Additionally, scheduling professional inspections annually is recommended.


What should I do if I have no hot water?

First, check if the pilot light (for gas heaters) or circuit breaker (for electric heaters) is functioning properly. If they appear fine, it’s best to contact a professional plumber to diagnose and resolve the issue, as it could be due to a faulty heating element, thermostat, or other internal problems.


How can I prevent frozen pipes in the winter?

To prevent frozen pipes, insulate exposed pipes, keep cabinet doors open to allow warm air circulation, and let faucets drip slightly during extremely cold weather. If you’re going away, make sure to set the thermostat to a temperature that will prevent freezing.


Do I need a permit to install or replace a water heater?

Permit requirements vary by location, so it’s essential to check with your local building department. In some cases, a permit may be necessary for water heater installation or replacement to ensure compliance with safety codes.


Remember, while these FAQs provide general information, it’s always recommended to consult with a professional plumber for specific issues and personalized advice related to your plumbing or water heater system.